Rome was a small city state in the 6th century and was governed by kings. However, after only 7 kings had ruled, and despite the small population size of Rome, the city managed to overthrow the monarchy and create a republican government that was supposedly supposed to represent the wishes of the Roman citizens. In order to rule the city a senate was developed, and this council was put in place to rule over Rome. Once Rome became a republic it grew in strength and went on to conquer swathes of the Mediterranean.
The Roman republic was very successful, and continued for five centuries. However, after being wrecked by numerous civil wars, the republic was transformed into an emperor run Principate. However, even when the Principate had taken over power in Rome, some of the republican government bodies, such as the Senate, remained, just with a reduced influence. The Roman republic was ruled by a unique government that enabled Rome to expand beyond its city walls. One of the main reasons for the expansion of Rome was victory in the three Punic wars that occurred between 264 and 146 B.C.
The Roman republic collapsed as a result of internal factors, unlike the Roman Empire which collapsed as a result of external threats. The republics fall occurred as a result of it being unable to adjust and change in response to the ever expanding Roman Empire. There were even a number of prophecies that said that the republic would fall as a result of internal factors, and many warnings of internal menace were issued.
The Roman Empire occurred in the years after the Roman Republic and was characterized by a government that was led by emperors. The Roman Empire ruled across swaths of the Mediterranean, as well as across Asia and Africa. During the rule of the Empire between 100 BC and 400 AD, Rome was the biggest and most powerful city in the world. In line with this, the population of the Roman Empire, which exceeded 80 million people, accounted for over 20% of the population of the entire world.
In the end, the Roman Empire collapsed for several reasons, including: the fact that it was overrun by barbarians from Europe. In line with the overthrowing of the Roman Empire, there were great migrations across Europe and these migrations could not be stemmed by the Empire because the Empire’s armies were designed to defeat armies and not swathes of people. The complete collapse of the Roman Empire occurred in the year AD 476 when the city was conquered by Visigoth Odacer. |