Korean War - PowerPoint with Cloze Notes (37 Slides/Pages on Major Events!)
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Korean War - PowerPoint with Cloze Notes (37 Slides/Pages on Major Events!)
This resource details the Korean War and its major events in a 30 slide PowerPoint. The PowerPoint covers the major people, events and themes of the Korean War, including: causes of the Korean War, battles, the stalemate of the 38th Parallel, and the end of the Korean War. The exciting PowerPoint highlights the main point's of the Korean War with engaging animations and transitions to excite your students. As well, the resource includes a set of cloze notes (totalling 7 pages) that your students can complete as they learn about the Korean War.
This Korean War resource was designed for a 1 to 1 environment and with the use of Google Classroom! It could also just as easily be printed for student use!
Grade Levels: 5-12
Teacher Key: Included
Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of Pages: 37 Pages/Slides
Files: PowerPoint and PDF in a ZIP File
This resource details the Korean War and its major events in a 30 slide PowerPoint. The PowerPoint covers the major people, events and themes of the Korean War, including: causes of the Korean War, battles, the stalemate of the 38th Parallel, and the end of the Korean War. The exciting PowerPoint highlights the main point's of the Korean War with engaging animations and transitions to excite your students. As well, the resource includes a set of cloze notes (totalling 7 pages) that your students can complete as they learn about the Korean War.
This Korean War resource was designed for a 1 to 1 environment and with the use of Google Classroom! It could also just as easily be printed for student use!
Grade Levels: 5-12
Teacher Key: Included
Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of Pages: 37 Pages/Slides
Files: PowerPoint and PDF in a ZIP File