Darfur Genocide - PowerPoint with Notes Copy
Darfur Genocide - PowerPoint with Notes Copy
This Darfur Genocide resource includes a 25 slide PowerPoint and 25 slide notes version on the main history and significance of the Darfur Genocide. For example, the PowerPoint details: the causes of the Darfur Genocide, the main perpetrators of the genocide and the outcomes of the genocide. As well, the PowerPoint includes many different images, maps and information to detail the history of the Darfur. The stylish design will engage your students as they learn! The PowerPoint includes image animations and slide transitions to engage your students. Simply print the notes copy for your students so they can copy down important points during the presentation.
Would make a great addition to a genocide unit of study!
- Grade Levels: 8-12
- Teacher Key: Included
- Duration: 40 Minutes
- Number of Pages: 50 Slides
- Files: PowerPoint and Notes Copy in a ZIP File